Best Practices for Manufacturing Employee Recruitment

Manufacturing enterprises rely on experienced employees who can handle hazardous working conditions, strict safety protocols, and quality-driven processes. If you operate a manufacturing company and need production line workers, you need to know how to find, hire, and retain the best candidates for these positions. CBS Staffing can help you locate the best manufacturing employees to keep your operation running smoothly.

Capitalize on Your Brand’s Strengths

You need to cultivate a strong brand identity that resonates with potential employees, inspiring them to want to work for you. This requires careful consideration of what you can potentially offer employees, not just what they have to offer you and your company.

Create Clear Job Postings

When you need a new production line employee, it’s important to post your job listings with as much detail as possible. While you don’t need to divulge any operational secrets or proprietary information, you do need to provide potential applications with clear job descriptions and concise descriptions of the desired skills and experience for the job. You should also make sure potential applicants know the benefits of choosing to work for your company.

Leverage Social Media

Your company’s social media profiles can become goldmines for talent recruitment. Make sure you actively engage with your social media followers and post all new job openings to your social media pages as well as your own website. This not only increases the chances of finding manufacturing employees who appreciate your brand and want to work for you, but also spreads awareness of your job listings organically for maximum reach.

Make Your Compensation Package Competitive

Attract top talent to your manufacturing enterprise by offering competitive starting wages and enticing benefits packages. A bit of competition research can help you determine what your competitors are offering new assembly line employees so you can create more enticing job listings. Manufacturing employees value job security and competitive pay, so you may want to invest in more competitive benefits packages if you want to maintain a reliable assembly line workforce.

Work with a Professional Staffing Company

Finding, hiring, onboarding, and training new production line employees is a time and resource-draining process. Additionally, missteps during the onboarding process can result in quick employee turnover and even more overhead spending on hiring and training.

If you choose to work with a company that specializes in matching employers with great employees, you won’t have to worry about any of the previous steps listed here.  When you work with a professional staffing company like CBS-Staffing, we handle all of that for you so you can focus on running your business.

The CBS Staffing Difference

If you need more employees for your production line, CBS Staffing has a solid recruitment process that can assist you in locating and interviewing the best manufacturing employee candidates available in your area. We work closely with our employer clients to learn their business goals and the types of employees they like to hire. Once we have a firm understanding of a client’s expectations, our recruitment process can streamline hiring and training for increased productivity and reduced turnover. Our comprehensive employee recruitment system helps remove the stress from the hiring process and boost productivity for your enterprise.

One of the biggest benefits of using CBS-Staffing is the workers we send to you are our employees.  We take care of all the necessary verifications and screenings, and we handle payroll taxes and benefits. All you have to do is put them to work.  Contact CBS Staffing today to get started today.